Sire: Ufano II (MV)
Dam: Iva (RAF)
Afiançado de Flandes is one of the most important stallions in the Lusitano breed. From his father Ufano II (MV) he descends from the one of the more traditional Veiga (MV) lines, being a great-grandson of Toleroina (MV), Novilheiro (MV)s grandmother. From his mothers side he also brings the contribution of Firme (SA), his maternal grandfather. In other words, Afiançado de Flandes (CQF) is a very distinguished representa-tive of the Firme (SA)/Nilo (MV)/Novilheiro (MV) heritage. Afiançado de Flandes is the stallion who won the larger number of Great Champion titles in the Lusitano breed. Among his offspring of 250 or so animals, some also became Great Champions, like Ocioso do Top and Nostradamus do Top, the latter being the Great Champion of the Lisbon Show in 2003.