Sire: Xique-Xique (CI)
Dam: Cyclope (SA)
Color: Bay
D.O.B: September 03, 1996
Height: 1,72 m/16.3 1/2 hh
REG: 01409-MN
Sex: Male (Stallion approved by Stud Book with 74,50 points)
Deceased: August 23, 2023
Impressive bay stallion over 16 hands displaying exceptional morphologic and functional qualities.
Quínio Interagro is, in the quartet of exceptional sons of Xique-Xique (CI), the tallest and probably the one with the most striking presence. His dam, Cyclope (SA) is a daughter of Vidago (SA), a very famous stallion grandson of Martini (SA) the son of Príncipe VIII (FCN) that formed the Andrade lineage. Cyclope (SA) is one of the most important brood-mares at Interagro, having produced five sons serving as Official Interagro stallions: Quínio himself, Zurbaran and Tufão Interagro both by Nicola (MAC), Richebourg Interagro by Hippus (CFR) and Arges Interagro by Obtuso Interagro. As we mentioned in Noblíssimo’s text, fate has been extremely kind to Interagro; we not only got exceptional sons of Xique-Xique (CI): Noblíssimo, Quínio, and Quinárius Interagro to assure the continuity of the Quina lineage into the Interagro Horse, but, what is even more important, these extraordinary stallions have proved capable of transmitting to their offspring the same fantastic qualities that made their father and the Quinas so famous. The offspring of this fabulous quartet of Xique-Xique (CI) sons are exceptional individuals who have won several prizes in functional and morphology competitions; they all have something in common: extraordinary gaits combined with the most docile and noble temperament, indispensable qualities for dressage.
Show results
Gold Medal at 1999 Lusitano International Show (São Paulo, SP, Brazil)
Awarded offspring
Crispim Interagro (Driving)
Dario Interagro (Dressage)
Demócrito Interagro (Driving)
Hawk Interagro (Dressage)
Meursault Interagro (Dressage)
Vaduz Interagro (Driving)
Xanxão Interagro (Dressage)
Xaidar Interagro (Conformation)
Xerxes Interagro (Dressage)
Offspring sold
Andrômeda Interagro (BRA) at the 6th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2005
Bacharel Interagro (BRA) at the 7th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2006
Beato Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Bizarro Interagro
Bojador Interagro (Canada) at The Lusitano Collection
Brasonado Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Bravo Interagro (BRA) at the 5th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2006
Brioso Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Caesar Interagro (BRA) at the 8th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2007
Calígula Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Cid Interagro (BRA) at the 8th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2007
Copérnico Interagro (BRA) at the Coleção Interagro Auction – 2012
Corsário Interagro (BRA)
Cronus Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Cyrano Interagro (BRA)
Dario Interagro (BRA)
Dédalo Interagro (BRA) at the 9th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2008
Diácono Interagro (USA) at the Coleção Interagro Auction – 2012
Druída Interagro (BRA)
Estilo Interagro (BRA)
Garrucha Interagro (BRA) at the 12th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2011
Hawk Interagro (USA)
Herculano Interagro (BRA) at the 13th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2012
Huguenote Interagro (BRA) at the 13th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2012
Macon Interagro (BRA) at the 16th Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2016
Vaduz Interagro (BRA)
Xanteno Interagro (BRA) at the Coleção Interagro Auction – 2006
Xantos Interagro (USA)
Xanxão Interagro (BRA)
Xartak Interagro (BRA) at the Interagro Yearlings Auction – 2003
Xerxes Interagro (BRA)
Xibano Interagro (BRA) at the Coleção Interagro Auction – 2008
Xisto Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Xotogan Interagro (USA) at The Lusitano Collection
Xulegu Interagro (BRA) at the Top Interagro Auction – 2003
Offspring for sale: Please check Lusitanos for Sale for descendants available