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High Hopes for Pallas Interagro

Pallas Interagro, a five-year-old stallion, owned by John and Harriet Body of First Strike Lusitano Ltd. is now in training at their ranch in Texas with Grand Prix rider Ken Hart and showing great promise.

“We anticipate he’ll do extremely well,” said John of the stunning bay 15.3hh Lusitano who is already jumping six-foot fences. “By our expectations he will progress on quickly to recognized US Show Jumping divisions by spring 2002.”

The Bodys first spotted Interagro Lusitanos in action at a local show in Fort Worth where they also met Interagro’s American agent, Peter Van Borst. “We were amazed both with their performance and temperament,” said John. “The horses had arrived from Brazil via Miami, and although they underwent a climate change from summer to winter they remained calm, in control and relaxed in their new American surroundings. They performed with great ease and ability at the show where they came first in the ‘Under twos’. Since then we’ve never ceased to be awed by their determined spirit yet gentle nature.”

Pallas is stabled at the Body’s breeding/training ranch in Aubrey, TX where Ken trains in partnership with his wife and dressage rider, Joanne Hart. The Bodys have imported four other younger Lusitanos including two-year-old colts, Thales Interagro – who won second place at the 2001 International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association Nationals – and Testementario Interagro. They also own two fillies. Thalia Interagro finished second in her class ‘Portuguese Fillies 2 & Under’ at the 2001 Nationals while her stablemate, Tess – an Isabella filly and the only one of her kind in the US – finished third. The Bodys have training plans for all their horses but their main focus is currently on Pallas.

“We’re banking on a lot from this horse,” said John. “We are using Pallas as an ambassador for Lusitanos. He is not for sale but will be shown off in 2002. We’re very excited about it.”

Ken, with an experienced eye after training horses for 25 years, is also enthused by what he has seen so far. “He [Pallas] has an ability to turn quickly and adjust his stride with ease yet be able to jump with tremendous athleticism,” he said. “He also shows the scope to jump across wide oxers and, for his size, jumps with great power which is characteristic of the strong hind end of the Lusitano breed.”

Archive: October 2002