Fellini Interagro at the cover of Equine America Magazine. Photo: Ramon Casares

Series of posts featuring our Lusitanos in Magazines Covers all over the world

Fellini Interagro at the cover of Equine America Magazine. Photo: Ramon Casares

Series of posts featuring Lusitanos bred by Interagro in Magazines all over the world

On July 2020 we started a new series of posts on our social medias (Instagram e Facebook) recalling the covers of Brazilian and International Magazines illustrated by Lusitanos bred by Interagro ilustradas por Lusitanos de criação Interagro. Here you will find a compilation of the Saturday posts from July to October 2020.

04/July/2020: The first post featured Richebourg Interagro on cover of Dressage Today (USA) in September 2012.

Richebourg Interagro/Dressage Today Magazine
Richebourg Interagro/Dressage Today Magazine

11/July/2020: On the 2nd post we featured Sabre Interagro when he was the cover of Guia Horse 2013 (Brazil).

Sabre Interagro é capa do Guia Horse 2013
Sabre Interagro é capa do Guia Horse 2013

18/July/2020: The 3rd post recalled the cover of California Riding Magazine (USA) illustrated by Alarico Interagro.


25/July/2020: Bomilcar Interagro in the cover of August 2013 edition of Dressage Today Magazine (USA) was the 4th post of magazine´s covers series. Bomilcar was photographed by Keron Psillas in the indoor arena.

Bomilcar Interagro, capa de Dressage Today (EUA) em Agosto de 2013
Bomilcar Interagro, 08/2013 cover of Dressage Today (EUA) 

01/August/2020: The incredible four-in-hand of buckskin Lusitanos highlighted our 5th post about Magazine Covers, the Driving sport was featured by the lenses of Gabriele Boiselle on the cover of German Magazine Pferd & Wagen (April/March 2016) with Cagliostro InteragroCrispim InteragroComanche Interagro & Demócrito Interagro



08/August/2020: Legendário do Mirante, a son of famous Novilheiro (MV), was an extremely photogenic stallion and had the privilege to be on many publications around the world like books and magazines. On the 6th post of this series we remember when he was the cover of the Volume 8, Number 1 edition of Conquistador Magazine (USA) in a striking photo of Brazilian photographer Alvaro Maya.

Legendário do Mirante/Alvaro Maya
Legendário do Mirante  Alvaro Maya

15/August/2020: The Andrade stallion Yacht (SA) photographed by Alvaro Maya was featured on the 7th week of the series, here at the cover of Brazilian Magazine “Revista dos Criadores”  (YearLXVII – no. 806 July/1997).⠀

Yacht (SA) capa da Revista dos Criadores - Foto: Álvaro Maya
Yacht (SA) – Foto: Álvaro Maya

22/August/2020: The 8th week brought a stunning photo of  Ofensor (MV) taken by Bob Langrish in Brazil on the cover of Horsemen’s Yankee Pedlar (November/2005 Vol. 45 no. 11)

Ofensor (MV)/Bob Langrish
Ofensor (MV)/Bob Langrish

29/August/2020: Our broodmares were also featured on Magazine Covers, the ninth post featured Daysy Interagro giving birth illustrating the 2012 Spring edition of Elite Equestrian Magazine (USA).

EliteEquestrian/Daysy Interagro
EliteEquestrian/Daysy Interagro

05/September/2020: Our 10th post featured Fellini Interagro photographed by Argetinian Ramos Casares in Wellington, FL, USA during the 2018 WEF season. This breathtaking photo was selected by Equine America Magazine for the 2019 Fall edition.

Fellini Interagro/Ramon Casares na Capa da Equine America
Fellini Interagro/Ramon Casares
Read more here 

12/September/2020: On the 11th post we had Montezuma do Mirante photographed by Bob Langrish on the cover of  Cheval Magazine

Montezuma do Mirante/Bob Langrish
Montezuma do Mirante/Bob Langrish

19/September/2020: The 12th post was about a Portuguese cover: Equisport Magazine that featured Morabito do Mirante (Emir II MV x Dançarina RC) at its 248 edition(January 2000)

Morabito do Mirante/Alvaro Maya na capa da Equisport (Portugal)
Morabito do Mirante/Alvaro Maya

26/September/2020: The 13th post of magazine cover´s series had Legendário do Mirante, this time photographed by Bob Langrish on Cheval Star (September 2002)

Legendário do Mirante/Bob Langrish na Cheval Star (Setembro de 2002)
Legendário do Mirante/Bob Langrish na Cheval Star

03/October/2020: The 14th post of the series recalled Tufão Interagro with Mrs. Pilar Lacalle forthe cover of  Caras Mazine (Uruguay).

Tufao Interagro na Capa da Revista Caras do Uruguay
Tufao Interagro na Capa da Revista Caras do Uruguay

Read more here 

10/October/2020: On the 15th post we had the cover of 2016 Horsemen´s Yankee Pedlar Magazine´s Guide (USA) featuring Xolaio Interagro photographed in Brazil by Johnny Duarte

Xolaio Interagro/Johnny Duarte na Capa do Guide to equine events
Xolaio Interagro/Johnny Duarte

24/October/2020: The 16th post of Magazine Covers illustrated by Lusitanos Interagro had Zepelim Interagro in 2010 at the Horse Connection Magazine (USA).

Zepelim Interagro, capa da revista Horse Connection (USA)
Read more here

31/October/2020: the 17th and last post of the series had the driving pair Viajor Interagro & Semaneiro Interagro promoting the Driving discipline. Driven by Prince Harry during a charity event at Haras Larissa. Revista Estilo Lusitano (Brazil).


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