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The 2011 Interagro Collection Auction & 12th Annual Interagro Foal Auction Gives Buyers Unique Opportunity To Purchase Lusitano Fillies Plus Last Foals From Famous Stallion Ofensor (MV)

Interagro Lusitanos, the largest exporter of Lusitano horses in the world, pioneered private auctions of Lusitano horses in Brazil 20 years ago, a tradition that continues today. The 2011 Interagro Collection Auction, which also features the 12th Annual Interagro Foal Auction, will not only give buyers the chance to purchase Lusitanos already being ridden under saddle, but will also give buyers the unique chance to purchase fillies, a remarkable opportunity as Interagro is not known for selling their mares.


Gigi Interagro is one of six fillies being offered for sale at the Annual Interagro Foal Auction.
She is sired by the Lusitano stallion Nirvana, and this will be the first time Nirvana’s offspring
will be offered for sale at auction by Interagro.
Interagro does not normally sell mares or fillies, so this year’s 2011 Interagro Collection and
Foal Auction offers buyers rare and highly sought after young Lusitanos.
(Photo courtesy of Tupa)

“The auction, which will be held in Brazil at our family’s Interagro Lusitano Farm, will not only feature fillies for sale but will also be the last chance for buyers to purchase foals from Ofensor (MV), the most important Lusitano stallion in recent history. He passed away last April so this is a great opportunity to have one of his offspring,” said Cecilia Gonzaga, the daughter of Interagro founder Dr. Paulo Gonzaga, who manages the farm and its operations today. “The foal auction will also offer the first babies of Nirvana. We exported some young horses by him in private deals last year, but this will be the first time his foals will be available through auction.”


Gravador Interagro is one of two foals by the late and highly decorated stallion Ofensor (MV)
presented for sale at the Annual Interagro Foal Auction.  Ofensor was considered the best stallion
of the modern Lusitano breed and both he and his offspring have numerous championships and
awards to their name. (Photo courtesy of Tupa)

Interagro Lusitanos, the winner of the prestigious “Best Breeder of the Year” Award by ABPSL in 2009/2010, is well known for holding prestigious auctions both in the United States and Brazil. “Our 2011 auction will be held Saturday, August 27 in Brazil and will feature eight horses under saddle as well as three pairs of fillies and 10 pairs of colts,” Gonzaga said. “All of the adult horses in the auction have tested negative for piroplasmosis at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Iowa, and are ready to be exported.  We will also have Global Trans Connection (GTC) available to help our clients with exporting their horses and providing estimates.”  More information on exporting and GTC can be found on Interagro’s blog.


Dorus Interagro, by the late Interagro stallion Tuflão Interagro, is one of the young
horses presented for sale at the 2011 Interagro Collection Auction in Brazil.
(Photo courtesy of Tupa)

Gonzaga added that the foal auction is always a highlight, as the foals are auctioned off in pairs and the bidding winner gets to pick the foal he wants from the pair. “The other foal can be sold for the previous bid to this buyer or if he doesn’t want it, to anyone in the audience,” Gonzaga said. “It creates a big and exciting competition for the baby as sometimes a bidder will want lot 1A and lot 1B. We try to select the pairs by sire, and if that isn’t possible, by bloodlines.”

Peter van Borst, the United States representative for Interagro Lusitanos, and Todd Grace, another U.S. representative, will be on hand at the auction to bid for those unable to attend. An 8% auction fee will be added to the cost of each horse and horses sold within the country can be paid in installments. “Payment for overseas clients will be set in a 50% payment before departure and a 50% payment after release from quarantine,” van Borst said. “Interagro is the only farm that does this and they have become well known for it.”

At Facebook (www.facebook.com/Interagro) you can see updated photos of all auction horses and their training routine

For more information contact:
Johnny Robb – JRPR, Inc.